Am I an Artist??…

I have asked myself this question for years! “Am I an artist? “ I’m not sure exactly why the topic is controversial, or maybe it is only in my mind… help me with that if you will? I guess that it plays out like a typical movie script. You only achieve your title once you have obtained your proper education, diploma, resume, and ultimately your elevated portfolio. Fortunately for me, I was cut from a different cloth… I was taught that hard work and perseverance were literally the two most important factors on your fast track to success. I remember when I was very young my dad waiting in line at AK Steel for the possible hope of employment. I can clearly see in my mind the green and white pvc striped folding lawn chair along with his black oval shaped double latched lunch box and Stanley coffee thermos that my mom proudly packed for my dad as he patiently waited for one single opportunity to provide for his family. Funny thing is… I don’t even remember if my dad got the job. I’m guessing that he did not. My dad worked for the carpenters union. He was a very talented finish carpenter and secretly a simple math wizard with beautiful hand writing. My dad was a gem, literally a gem… he could do anything and he cared about everything. He was so proud of every picture that I would draw as a kid. Growing up in KY, my go to was KY basketball… Adolf Rupp, Rick Pitino and KY Wildcats in general. My dad loved that.. He was a full time BBN fan and instilled the same in me. But.. that has nothing to do with the topic of this blog. Am I an artist? Please forgive me for my lack of paragraph indentions, etc. that has never been my skill set. Am I an artist? Are you an artist? Who is to say? Should we patiently wait for our high priced diploma or a kind word from the Dean of any institution to give us mad props in the form of a paper diploma which provides mostly long standing debt to our families? No thanks… I think that I will just make some super cool stuff and sell it to you if you’re in fact a buyer.. lol

We are brainwashed as a society, in my opinion… You couldn’t possibly be an artist unless you have a degree from ABC University or you have a showing at I’m Too Fancy Art Gallery! For the record, I have seen 6 year olds art work that literally moved me. In the world of art, movement is all that matters. It is not about price, value, reach, etc. It is simply about emotion. Much of our lives are filled with pain, despair, love, hate, time, envy, death, new beginnings, etc. When art hits you, it changes you. It may only be for one moment, but that moment is beautiful. That moment lives forever. That moment engraves a tattoo on your soul that can only be created by an artist who has been hiding in the shadows. When we begin to seek fame, fortune or even simple praise, we slowly lose the innocence of our creation. It truly is a double edged sword. I seek praise on Instagram and crave the acknowledgment of my peers and then cringe at the thought of corporate support or mass production. However, we do have to live.. the cost of living continues to rise and wood, acrylic paint, and metal prices are through the roof!! How do you price what you simply love to create? Artists are not Dentists but Dentists can be Artisst… hmmmm…

It seems that I am in fact an artist… I also believe that you are an artist. You may be an artist of your home. You may be an artist within your family. You may run the school PTA like a symphony or you may be a crafting king or queen… regardless of your field of expertise, in my opinion you are an artist. You have earned your title just like I have. I have spent many years telling myself that I am not an artist due to my lack of education. However, my clients tell me otherwise. I support my family 100% on the back of my art and they are not hungry :) therefore… to answer my initial question. Yes, I am an Artist! Roll your sleeves up and create!!

If you do nothing tomorrow… Don’t forget to make something!



I’m Retiring!!


Go For It!