I’m Retiring!!

That’s right… I’m retiring!! Seems impossible, right? Just this year I quit my job and decided to go full time in creating, building, etc. and now I’m just going to retire? There must be a catch, some funny play on words or just a straight up lie! Either way, this is the decision that I’m consciously making for myself and my family. I have spent my entire adult life grinding, clawing, chasing..Trying desperately to find my niche. Business ownership, real estate, entrepreneurship in general, W2 employee, freelance artist and any other random title that you’d like to fling in there. Thankfully, I have $2800 in my combined retirement accounts so, we should be good!

No!! I’m not actually going to quit doing what I love doing which in fact also pays my bills. But, I am going to retire from the fear of failure, financial fear, negative thoughts that drive me into dark places, etc. I have spent my entire life trying to measure up to something that is not real. We dream up things in our heads that ultimately force us to forks in the road solely manifested in our minds. That’s right.. my road is different than your road and we almost always choose different forks. I will say that we must all be paying the same taxes based on all of the pot holes!!

Retirement is a state of mind…it is not a destination. There was certainly a time when there was a standard that was sought after and eventually achieved at the completion of a long career “on the line” and you accepted your imitation gold watch and a local mom and pop grocery store butter cream icing birthday cake with “Congratulations Old Man” written in blue cursive writing and a small figurine of a guy fishing on the top. You accepted your watch, cake, tiny pension and sailed off into the sunset of boredom! I’ll take a hard pass on that one.

We lack purpose.. please understand that I am not speaking negatively towards retirement. I am so proud and thankful for all who did their part keeping the wheels greased.. I’m grateful that true retirement is an option. But, we must stop living for the day. I have listened to so many people over the years ramble on and on about the day that they will retire and all that they are going to do. What about today? What are you actually going to do today? I write this as a journal as much as a public post so don’t misunderstand me…I’m talking to myself! I truly hope that I never quit working, creating, dreaming… if retirement means laying on a beach with an umbrella drink and a steady stream of minimal income, again.. hard pass!

What if retirement means spending more time with your kids, going on weekly dates with your wife, sharing funny stories with your friends and family around a camp fire, having morning coffee with your spouse, putting your loved ones at the forefront of your life and ignoring the bill collectors! Pay your bills, but if they call you during dinner with your family.. ignore them. Don’t let finances rule your life. Don’t let the lack of finances rule your life. Abundance comes in many forms, the primary form of abundance is life itself. I could literally take my final breath as I’m typing this. If that happens, I want to be able to leave a few final thoughts for my kids.

  1. I didn’t leave you any money… You’re welcome! Learn the satisfaction and true joy that comes with hard work.

  2. You only get 1 family… Your blood family and everyone else who becomes a part of that family. Cherish those in this circle.

  3. Hard work trumps talent EVERY..SINGLE..TIME

  4. Live in the moment, stop trying to capture the moment

  5. If you see someone that needs help, help them..

We only want to retire because we want to escape. If you feel like you need to escape your job, it’s time to find a new job. Don’t stay in a job for the money or for the acknowledgment. Stay in a job for the love of the job, the love of the people or whatever it is about that place that makes you smile when you walk through the door every single day.

As of today, I am truly retiring from all of the stress of deadlines, negative energy, financial burden, etc. I am going to press on in loving my daily life. I accept all that is in my path including the road blocks, pot holes and meteorites headed my way. I’ll embrace each and every missile and rejoice in the many successes. I’m not jumping in an RV with my wife and hitting the road but I am rolling up my sleeves and living my best life! Happy Retirement Day!

Love and Prayers!



Am I an Artist??…