Go For It!

Be a Sponge…soak it up! Young Marshall popping that Mig!

Be a Sponge…soak it up! Young Marshall popping that Mig!

What is that thing that is making your scalp itch? I’m not talking about dandruff.. what keeps you up at night? What are you day dreaming about while you should be working? We all have something that tugs at us. Something that is engrained in our soul.. We don’t naturally follow that path for some odd reason unless we’re in a very elite class. We see athletes that are the 1% and they tend to follow this path but it is likely because the world tells them to do so. They have unlimited encouragement…praise from every angle and a hometown crew with piggyback expectations. What about the gifted welder (I am not one by the way) or the naturally talented crafter, etc. In most cases, those of us who fall into the category of the “Maker” or just the guy or gal who chooses to work with their hands - guided by their brains mind you :) are encouraged to just “get a job” choose something that fits your little life and work that line. Jump into that weekly grind and serve your time…don’t worry, there are benefits and 1 week vacations (that you can’t afford to take) but hey, you get 5 days per year… enjoy! What if it could be different? What if you actually began to take notice of things like Etsy, FB Marketplace, Craigs List, yard sales, vendor fairs, etc. You may not be an artist (yet) but I’m sure that you have something to offer. Have you ever strolled the aisles of a flea market and saw things that need a little paint? Maybe they have a $20 price tag but you can clearly see with a little bit of elbow grease and a rattle can, you can hit a $150 profit in 45 minutes, bro.. those are Dr’s rates!! The problem is that maybe you’re a little lazy.. yep, I said it. You may be offended but check yourself real quick. What time did you turn on Netflix or Hulu tonight or even today? There are opportunities everywhere! Literally, everywhere!! You don’t have to be miserable in your daily grind or your daily snooze fest! What are you good at? What do you day dream about? What makes you literally lose track of time when you’re actively doing it?

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. What do my friends/family consistently tell me that I’m good at?

  2. What is more important to me than Netflix?

  3. What income would I need to produce to replace my current day job? Yearly, monthly, weekly and daily… write it down! Like, actually! Write.It.Down

  4. How much real time do I have to work a side hustle? Before and after my day job..be realistic with this. What’s the real amount of time that you’re willing to sacrifice? Oh, by the way.. this is not an excuse or an opportunity to go be a loser at your day job. If that’s already happening, don’t waste your time trying to be an entrepreneur.. the juice will not be worth the squeeze!

  5. Lastly…will my spouse support me? If you’re not married then get off your lazy *** and get to work!! If you are married then have a real conversation with your significant other and explain the madness that you’re about to take on. Ask for support and future forgiveness. If she/he is on board then it’s time to get cranking!!

I started out making wooden trays out of pallets with horseshoe handles. In the beginning my wife and I would find the horseshoes at antique shops. I literally had moments where I believed that this was going to be my ticket. I would make horseshoe trays forever. I don’t want to kill a horseshoe tray dream but at that time $50 was a big ticket item for me… today, I am selling doors from $1,000-$5,000 and that demand is building momentum daily. My point is this… If you pick something that speaks to your soul, go there. Go check that out for a minute. Mess around with it. Clear out that garage that’s full of old crap or housing a car that you’re going to replace in 2 years anyhow. Make room for a miter saw and a few tools. Start creating from where you are. Don’t worry about where I am or where your neighbor is…start from where you are. Life is short, but life is shorter when it is unfulfilled.

If you do nothing tomorrow…don’t forget to make something!



Am I an Artist??…